Asana Teaching

Asana Teaching

Insight Yoga

I’m not here to bring more poses to your life.
I’m here to bring more life to your every pose.
𝘚𝘸𝘢𝘮𝘪 𝘝𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘬𝘢𝘯𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘢

Moving āsana has a central place in modern yoga. Our bodies are built for movement and our sedentary lifestyle has become a health issue. Moving mindfully with people can become an insightful journey of self-discovery and deepening body-awareness. A theme can be explored and can open many doors of inquiry and learning. Group energy can be built and harnessed, building community, and creating the possibility to cover new ground and overcome fears and limitations.Truly teaching āsana, however, requires a deep knowledge and understanding from the teacher. To distinguish āsana from mere gymnastics or circus, it is necessary to understand the relationship between three vital dimensions of our being: physical movement, energetic transformation and their relationship to our psyche. Furthermore, a teacher also needs to be an expert in movement-anatomy and body-mechanics to keep the practice safe, and to be able to tailor poses to the student’s individual body.

Personally, I have little time for uninspired movement sequences in which the students simply follow shallow instructions without being guided into deeper dimensions of their body and mind. My interest lies in teaching how to fulfilment one’s movement potential in a free and safe way, coupled with a meaningful exploration of who we are. A class could be an investigation of how to apply anatomical and energetic insight in a very feeling-based and technical way, or a focused, flowing journey of our body and all that powers it. I like to work creatively, incorporate partner-work if useful and appropriate, and to inquire deeply in our every movement.Even if my main focus during a workshop or teacher training module is on another aspect of yoga – like philosophy, meditation or prāṇāyāma – I always include moving āsana sections that highlight and support that central topic. I am passionate about āsana and the possibilities this practice opens up.

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