

Insight Yoga

As I lived in India for seven years and worked in meditation centres and ashrams, I needed to learn the modern Indian language ‘Hindi’, which is based on Sanskrit and has the same script. From 1996 onwards, I have studied at the Landour Language School, which offers well-structured courses in Hindi and Sanskrit. Many universities in the west send their students there to live and breathe these languages in their cultural setting.

While privately studying these languages, I cannot claim to be a Sanskrit scholar or linguist. Therefore, I only teach introductory courses, focusing on important vocabulary for yoga teaching. These introductions range from absolute basics to learning to read and write. Here is an overview of what I offer in this area of study:

1. History
1.1 Origins of the language
1.2 The Indo-European language family
1.3 The Harrapan civilization (c. 3500-1500 B.C.E.)
1.3 The Aryan Invasion (around 1750 B.C.E.)
1.4 The Indus Sarasvati civilization
1.4 Sanskrit in Vedic rituals (Vedic Sanskrit): Mantra Yoga
1.5 Classical Sanskrit

2. Devanāgari script: transliteration & amp; pronunciation
2.1 Sanskrit is a phonetic language
2.2 The Devanāgari script
2.3 Singing
2.3.1 Long / pronounced and short form singing
2.3.2 Other vocals
2.3.3 The special chant: Anusvāra & amp; Visarga
2.3.4 The short forms of chant
2.4 consonants
2.4.1 Unaspirated & amp; aspirated consonants
2.4.2 Gutturals
2.4.3 Palatals
2.4.4 brains
2.4.5 Dentistry
2.4.6 Labia
2.4.7 Half-vowels
2.4.8 Sibilants
2.4.9 Combinations of Consonants

3. Exercises
3.1 Form simple words
3.1.1 Writing the Devanāgari alphabet
3.1.2 Transliteration of the Devanāgari script
3.2 Writing exercises
3.3 Reading exercises

4. Āsana-Names
4.1 Words in Sanskrit. combine
4.2 Sūrya Namaskāra
4.3 Counting
4.4 Standing poses
4.5 Bending Back Poses
4.6 Sitting forward bend
4.7 rotations
4.8 Hip opener
4.9 Inversions
4.10 Postures while lying down
4. Prāṇāyāma terminology
4.1 Breathing techniques
4.3 Mud & amp; Bandha
4.4 Kumbhaka

5. The energetic system (prāṇamayakośa)
5.1 Kośa
5.2 Cakra
5.3 No.
5.4 Vāyu
5.5 Other

6. Yoga philosophy
6.1 Basic Conditions
6.2 Philosophical systems

7. Important mantras
7.1 Gayatrī mantra (Ṛg-Veda)
7.2 Maṅgala mantra
7.3 Teacher-student invocation (Śānti mantra)
7.4 Jyotir mantra (Bṛhadāraṇyaka Upaniṣad)
7.5 Completeness Mantra (Iśopaniṣad)
7.6 Mahā-Mṛtyuṅjaya mantra (Ṛg-Veda)

8. Classic quotes
8.1 Upaniṣads
8.2 Pātañjala Yogaśāstra
8.3 Haṭha Yoga texts.

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